Livre en langue étrangère


Anita Desai (1937-....). Auteur

Edité par Picador - paru en 2024

A young student sits on a bench in a jardin in San Miguel. Bonita is away from her home in India to learn Spanish. She is alone, somewhere she has never been and has no connection to. It is bliss. And then a woman approaches her. The woman claims to recognize Bonita because she is the spitting image of her mother, who made the same journey from India to Mexico as a young artist. No, says Bonita, my mother didn't paint. She never travelled to Mexico. But this strange woman insists, and so Bonita follows her. Into a story where Bonita and her mother will move apart and come together, and where the past threatens to flood the present, or re-write it.

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Du même auteur

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Le Feu sur la montagne : roman | Anita Desai (1937-....). Auteur

Le Feu sur la montagne : roman

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Le Bombay de Baumgartner | Anita Desai (1937-....). Auteur

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Un Village près de la mer | Anita Desai (1937-....). Auteur

Un Village près de la mer

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Jeux au crépuscule : nouvelles

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Où irons-nous cet été ? : roman

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Livre en langue étrangère

Journey to Ithaca

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Où irons-nous cet été ?

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Le jeûne et le festin : roman

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